Berigan, L. A., C. S. H. Aulicky, E. C Teige, D. S. Sullins, K. A. Fricke, J. H. Reitz, L. G. Rossi, K. A. Schultz, M. B. Rice, E. P. Tanner, S. D. Fuhlendorf, D. A. Haukos. 2024. Lesser prairie-chicken dispersal after translocation: Implications for restoration and population connectivity. Ecology and Evolution 14: e10871.
Tanner, E. P., A. M. Tanner, S. D. Fuhlendorf, R. D. Elmore, C. A. Davis, and J. A. Polo. 2023. Spatio-temporal dynamics in syntopy are driven by variability in rangeland conditions. Global Ecology and Conservation 46: e02606.
Sergeyev, M., M. J. Cherry, E. P. Tanner, J. V. Lombardi, M. E. Tewes, and T. A. Campbell. 2023. Multiscale assessment of habitat selection and avoidance of sympatric carnivores by the endangered ocelot. Scientific Reports 13: 8882.
Camacho, A. M., H. L. Perotto-Baldivieso, E. P. Tanner, A. L. Montemayro, W. A. Gless, J. Exum, T. J. Yamashita, A. M. Foley, R. W. DeYoung, and S. D. Nelson. 2023. The broad scale impact of climate change on planning aerial wildlife surveys with drone-based thermal cameras. Scientific Reports 13: 4455.
Rhodes, E. C., H. L. Perotto-Baldivieso, E. P. Tanner, J. P. Angerer, and W. E. Fox. 2023. The declining Ogallala Aquifer and the future role of rangeland science on the North American High Plains. Rangeland Ecology and Management 87: 83-96.
Wolf, S. L., D. A. Swedberg, E. P. Tanner, S. D. Fuhlendorf, and S. K. Brewer. 2023. Using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing in fisheries applications: an example from the Ozark Highlands. Fisheries Research 258: 106542.
Page, M. T., H. L. Perotto-Baldivieso, J. A. Ortega-S, E. P. Tanner, J. P Angerer, R. C. Combs, A. M. Camacho, M. Ramirez, V. Cavazos, H. Carroll, K. Baca, D. Daniels, and T. Kimmet. 2022. Evaluating mesquite distribution using unpiloted aerial vehicles and satellite imagery. Rangeland Ecology and Management 83: 91-101.
Robertson, E. P., E. P. Tanner, R. D. Elmore, S. D. Fuhlendorf, J. D. Mays, J. Knutson, J. R. Weir, and S. R. Loss. 2021. Fire management alters the thermal landscape and provides multi-scale thermal options for a terrestrial turtle facing a changing climate. Global Change Biology 28: 782-796.
Brennan, L. A., A. M. Tanner, and E. P. Tanner. 2022. Adaptive management and quail conservation on rangelands in the American West. National Quail Symposium Proceedings 9: 8.
Weber, D. A., E. P. Tanner, T. M. Terhune II, J. M. Varner, and J. A. Martin. 2022. Northern bobwhite and fire: a review and synthesis. National Quail Symposium Proceedings 9: 63.​
Tanner, E. P., A. M. Tanner, S. D. Fuhlendorf, R. D. Elmore, C. A. Davis, and J. A. Polo. 2021. Land enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program supports roosting ecology of the lesser prairie-chicken. Global Ecology and Conservation 32: e01916.
​Tanner, E. P., S. D. Fuhlendorf, J. A. Polo, and J. M. Peterson. 2021. Woody encroachment of grasslands: near-surface thermal implications assessed through the lens of an astronomical event. Ecology and Evolution 11: 12886-12901.
Noden, B. H., E. P. Tanner, J. A. Polo, and S. D. Fuhlendorf. 2021. Invasive woody plants as foci of tick-borne pathogens: eastern redcedar in the southern Great Plains. Journal of Vectory Ecology 46: 12-18.
Kauffman, K. L., R. D. Elmore, C. A. Davis, S. D. Fuhlendorf, L. E. Goodman, C. A. Hagen, and E. P. Tanner. 2021. Role of the thermal environment in scaled quail (Callipepla squamata) nest site selection and survival. Journal of Thermal Biology 95: 102791.
Polo, J. A., E. P. Tanner, R. Scholtz, S. D. Fuhlendorf, J. T. Ripberger, C. L. Silva, H. C. Jenkins-Smith, and N. Carlson. 2020. Mismatches in prescribed fire awareness and implementation in Oklahoma, USA. Rangelands 42: 196-202.
Tanner, A. M., E. P. Tanner, M. PapeÅŸ, S. D. Fuhlenfor, R. D. Elmore, and C. A. Davis. 2019. Using aerial surveys and citizen science to create species distribution models for an imperiled grouse. Biodiversity and Conservation: 29: 967-986.
​Tanner, E. P., J. P. Orange, C. A. Davis, R. D. Elmore, and S. D. Fuhlendorf. 2019. Behavioral modifications lead to disparate demographic consequences in two sympatric species. Ecology and Evolution 9: 9273-9289.
Scholtz, R., J. A. Polo, E. P. Tanner, S. D Fuhlendorf. 2018. Grassland fragmentation and its influence on woody plant cover in the southern Great Plains, USA. Landscape Ecology 33: 1785-1797.
Rhoden, C. M., J. P. Orange, E. P. Tanner, D. L. Baxley, J. J. Morgan, and B. A. Robinson. 2018. Factors influencing hunter flush success of three small game species. Wildlife Society Bulletin 42: 414-419.
Tanner, E. P., and S. D. Fuhlendorf. 2018. Impact of an agri-environmental scheme on landscape patterns. Ecological Indicators 85: 956-965.
Lituma, C. M., D. A. Buehler, E. P. Tanner, A. M. Tanner, P. D. Keyser, and C. A. Harper. Factors affecting availability for detection: an example using radio-collared northenr bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). PLoS ONE 12 (12): e0190376.
Tanner, E. P., M. PapeÅŸ, R. D. Elmore, S. D. Fuhlendorf, and C. A. Davis. 2017. Incorporating abundance information and guiding variable selection for climate-based ensemble forecasting of species' distributional shifts. PLoS ONE 12 (9): e0184316.
Davis, C. A., J. P. Orange, R. A. Van Den Bussche, R. D. Elmore, S. D. Fuhlendorf, J. M Carroll, E. P. Tanner, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2017. Extrapair paternity and nest parasitism in two sympatric quail. The Auk 134: 811-820.
Tanner, E. P., R. D. Elmore, C. A. Davis, and S. D. Fuhlendorf. 2017. Evidence of nest tenacity in scaled quail (Callipepla squamata) following an anthropogenic disturbance. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 129: 354-359.
Elmore, R. D., J. M. Carroll, E. P. Tanner, T. J. Hovick, B. A. Grisham, S. D. Fuhlendorf, and S. K. Windels. 2017. Implications of the thermal environment for terrestrial wildlife management. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41: 183-193.
Cheng, Y., C. Sayde, Q. Li, J. Basara, J. Selker, E. Tanner, and P. Gentine. 2017. Failure of Taylor's hypothesis in the atmospheric surface layer and its correction for eddy-covariance measurements. Geophysical Research Letters 44: 4287-4295.
Tanner, E. P., R. D. Elmore, S. D. Fuhlendorf, C. A. Davis, D. K. Dahlgren, and J. P. Orange. 2017. Extreme climatic events constrain space use and survival of a ground-nesting bird. Global Change Biology 23: 1832-1846.
Tanner, E. P., R. D. Elmore, C. A. Davis, and S. D. Fuhlendorf. 2017. Wintering bird responses to the presence of artificial surface water in a semi-arid rangeland. Wildlife Biology 2017: wlb.00315.
Brooke, J. M., E. P. Tanner, D. C. Peters, A. M. Tanner, C. A. Harper, P. D. Keyser, J. D. Clark, and J. J. Morgan. 2017. Northern bobwhite breeding season ecology on a reclaimed surface mine. Journal of Wildlife Management 81: 73-85.
Orange, J. P., C. A. Davis, R. D. Elmore, E. P. Tanner, S. D. Fuhlendorf, and E. T. Thacker. 2016. Evaluating the efficacy of brood flush counts: a case study in two quail species. Western North American Naturalist 76: 485-492.
Tanner, E. P., R. D. Elmore, C. A. Davis, S. D. Fuhlendorf, D. K. Dahlgren, E. T. Thacker, and J. P. Orange. 2016. Does the presence of oil and gas infrastructure potentially increase risk of harvest in northern bobwhite? Wildlife Biology 22: 294-304.
Rabon, J. C., and E. P. Tanner. 2016. First record of Scott's oriole (Icterus parisorum) for Oklahoma. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society 49: 9-13.
Tanner, E. P., R. D. Elmore, S. D. Fuhlendorf, C. A. Davis, E. T. Thacker, and D. K. Dahlgren. 2015. Behavioral responses at distribution extremes: how artificial surface water can affect quail movement patterns. Rangeland Ecology and Management 68: 476-484.
Brooke, J. M., D. C. Peters, A. M. Unger, E. P. Tanner, C. A. Harper, P. D. Keyser, J. D. Clark, and J. J. Morgan. 2015. Habitat manipulation influences northern bobwhite resource selection on a reclaimed surface mine. Journal of Wildlife Management 79: 1264-1276.
Peters, D. C., J. M. Brooke, E. P. Tanner, A. M. Unger, P. D. Keyser, C. A. Harper, J. D. Clark, and J. J. Morgan. 2015. Impact of experimental habitat manipulation on northern bobwhite survival. Journal of Wildlife Management 79: 605-617.
Unger, A. M., E. P. Tanner, C. A. Harper, P. D. Keyser, F. T. Van Manen, J. J. Morgan, and D. L. Baxley. 2015. Northern bobwhite seasonal habitat selection on a reclaimed surface coal mine in Kentucky. Journal of Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2: 235-246.
Unger, A. M., E. P. Tanner, C. A. Harper, P. D. Keyser, and J. J. Morgan. 2012. Northern bobwhite survival related to movement on a reclaimed surface coal mine. Proceedings of the Seventh National Quail Symposium: 223-228.
Tanner, E. P., A. M. Unger, P. D. Keyser, C. A. Harper, J. D. Clark, and J. J. Morgan. 2012. Survival of radio-marked versus leg-banded northern bobwhite in Kentucky. Proceedings of the Seventh National Quail Symposium: 212-216.